To the GLOBE Community:
Congratulations to The GLOBE Program for receiving the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Excellence in Earth and Space Science Education award! We at NASA, along with our federal agency colleagues at NSF, NOAA and the U.S. Department of State, are honored to sponsor this phenomenal program. Please accept our enormous appreciation for the hard work, dedication, and passion you have put into GLOBE for the past twenty-six years.
GLOBE is truly a community activity, and thus AGU’s recognition is for all of the past and current participants in the program. The collective effort of every student, teacher, citizen scientist, U.S. partner, international partner, and scientist, along with the incredible dedication of the GLOBE Implementation Office, Data and Information System team, GLOBE Observer citizen science team, Regional CoordinatIon Offices, working group members, U.S. Partner Forum members, and supporters and friends of GLOBE around the world has enabled our GLOBE community to thrive.
You have all impacted the lives of millions of students and citizen scientists by instilling a curiosity about the Earth’s environment and equipping them with tools to investigate our ever-changing planet. Science is a global endeavor, and the GLOBE community embodies and facilitates this spirit. Your efforts to contribute over 200 million observations to the GLOBE database from around the world for over a quarter century supports scientific discovery, while also supporting cultural exchanges. GLOBE is truly an international science and education program.
Ultimately, GLOBE is a wonderful program because of all the work you have done. I am always incredibly impressed at the enthusiasm of the GLOBE community, whether in person or virtual. Congrats again on a very well-earned award.
Allison Leidner
GLOBE Program Manager, NASA